Your past tells your Future / Deine Vergangenheit erzählt deine Zukunft / Seu passado diz ao seu Futuro / Su pasado dice a su Futuro

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An unconscious being goes on repeating his past again and again. He repeats it – he can not do anything else: he cannot bring any new thing into his life, he can not have a breakthrough.

All sciences about the future are basically concerned with the past, and because people live through the past and the past goes on being repeated in the future, your yesterdays go on becoming your tomorrows.

And all your yesterdays are contained in your unconscious.

Whenever you are doing anything that is concerned with the future, it is reading of the unconscious of the person. It has nothing much to do with the future.

It has more to do with the past, but because the future is created by the past it is relevant to the future too.

Because people live like mechanical things, predictions are possible. If you know the past of the person, unless the person is a Buddha, you will be able to predict his future because he is going to repeat it.

You can not read the horoscope of a Buddha or read his hand because he is so free of the past and he is so empty in the present that there is nothing to read!

The basic phenomenon is to fall in tune with the energy of the person, and to fall in tune so deeply that his/her unconscious starts revealing itself to you.

His/her unconscious starts stirring your unconscious and in your unconscious, things start arising – visualisations. You are simply showing the tendencies, the possibilities; these are not certainties.