2012-04-07 Parnamirim, Brazil / Pink Butterfly / Rosa Schmetterling / Borboleta Rosa / Mariposa Rosa

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Butterflies are deep and powerful representations of life. Many cultures associate the butterfly with our souls. The Christian religion sees the butterfly as a symbol of resurrection.

Around the World, people view the butterfly as representing endurance, change, hope, and life. There is no doubt the butterfly has significant meanings to us.

Butterfly is the power of the air, the ability to float upon a breeze. Butterflies represent the mind and our ability to change when necessary.

Butterfly represents the never-ending cycle of life; therefore, its medicine bestows not only the ability, but the clarity of mind needed before self-transformation.

Butterflies appear to dance as they flitter among the flowers. They remind us not to take things so seriously within our lives. They awaken a sense of lightness and joy.

They remind us to get up and move, for if you do not move, you cannot dance.

Butterflies bring color and joy with them. Look at how much or little joy is in your life. Lighten up. Look for change. Make changes when the opportunities present themselves.

The butterfly will teach you that growth and change do not have to be traumatic. Change can occur as gently and as joyfully as one wishes.

Heal the suffering when your heart hardens. Take a deep breath and re-open your heart.

An open heart can illuminate the darkest of places, increase vitality, emotional balance and the ability to meet life with grace.

When your heart is open, you are in touch with your needs and your desires. You are a better communicator. You are a more compassionate friend.

An open heart allows you to be authentically who you are and allows you to experience the joy of deep connection, of Love and of peace.

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