2016-06-12 Natal – Iate Clube

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Time was running out, my credit line was exactly at the limit and my ex-partner was facing more and more problems to keep the dates of the agreed payments. The sale of my sailing boat was more than necessary and today was the day that one of the most serious interested potential clients had arrived from Salvador to have a good look, verify that everything was according to the description, clarify final doubts and hopefully negotiate seriously the sale. I had asked my sailing professor Alexandre and the sailor-mechanic-carpenter Walmir to help close the deal.

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Time was running out, my credit line was exactly at the limit and my ex-partner was facing more and more problems to keep the dates of the agreed payments. The sale of my sailing boat was going ahead; the deal was closed. We had met half way, Juliano had to accept the full price, I had to accept the payment terms and it looked like we both were happy. We only had to agree now on the delivery and again we met half way, Juliano had to give the trailer and the parking in the Iate Clube, both worth 4000 Reales and I had to deliver the sailing boat in Salvador, worth 4000 Reales.

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Time was running out, my credit line was exactly at the limit and my ex-partner was facing more and more problems to keep the dates of the agreed payments. Juliano and I met at the notary to sign the deal, recognize our signatures and recognize the contract. Now the deal was legally closed and Juliano arranged the bank transfer. I had time until July 10 to deliver the sailing boat to Salvador. I was looking forward to another small adventure, which could easily turn into a big adventure. I started talking to my sailing professor Alexandre and the sailor-mechanic-carpenter Walmir asking for their best price to join me in my small big adventure.

Please click on “View Album” to see pictures in a Google+ Album.


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