This is where I Belong / Hier gehöre ich Hin / Isto é onde eu Pertenço / Aqui es donde Pertenezco

The beauty, no, the meaning of traveling around the World is that it allows you to get altitude. Not airplane altitude. You get a perspective on things, to see the various ways cultures mesh and collide with one another and how the different streams of history have eroded and hardened each country’s social structures into their ...

1992-04-06 New York USA / Three Laws of Robotics / Drei Robotergesetze / Três leis da Robótica / Tres leyes de la Robótica

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Isaac Asimov was an American writer and professor. He was known for his works of science fiction and popular science. Asimov was considered one of the 'Big Three' science fiction writers during his lifetime. Asimov was a claustrophile: he enjoyed small, enclosed spaces. Asimov was afraid of flying, doing so only twice. This phobia influenced several of ...