2004-07-01 Los Angeles, USA / Bad Boy / Böser Junge / Menino Mau / Chico Malo

Brando earned a reputation as a 'Bad Boy' for his public outbursts and antics. Brando had no code, only his instincts. He was the gangster leader and the outla . He was antisocial because he knew Society was crap; he was a hero to youth because he was strong enough not to take the crap. At the 1973 Academy ...

2015-07-01 Slough, England / Children’s Transport / Kindertransport / Transporte de Crianças / Transporte de Niños

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On 15 November 1938, five days after the devastation of 'Kristallnacht' in Germany, a delegation of British, Jewish, and Quaker leaders appealed, in person, to the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Neville Chamberlain. Among other measures, they requested that the British government permit the temporary admission of unaccompanied Jewish children, without their parents. The Cabinet debated the issue the ...