A part of Nature / Ein Teil der Natur / Uma parte da Natureza / Una parte de la Naturaleza

Respect nature, rely on nature, and irrevocably love nature. Feel lucky that all five of your senses can experience nature.

You are part of this genius, crazy unimaginable system that is your source of life, happiness, and stability.

As you reflect upon this, conclude that you perceive yourself as part of nature. You are too focused on your personal experiences. You do not see past your immediate circle or yourself.

So to answer what happens when you perceive yourself as separate from or as part of nature, you have to remove individual experience and take on a broader perspective.

When families, communities, societies, countries, and the Human race perceive themselves as part of nature, we are coming to a general consensus regarding our roles in nature.

First, we agree that we have a role and secondly, we agree that this web of interdependence is larger than any socially constructed relationship known to man.

This is because nature does not twist and turn according to beliefs, desires, and emotions. Nature is and does as it is supposed to; it is wise and ancient.

If you were to respect nature, and perceive yourself as part of nature, you would welcome its instruction.

Operating instinctually, without impulse and distractions. So this is where you distinguish yourself from nature.

Due to Human‘s being individualistic and competitive, you are unable to perceive a World where you actually are a part of nature; you identify yourself as superior.

It is the way you are programmed to function. Throughout history, it is within Human nature to compete, beat, and challenge.

We have run out of societies to overthrow, and people to enslave. We are unable to live as part of nature because we want to dominate it.

You have forgotten the fact that our advanced position in the hierarchy of species is a result of millennia of natural evolution.

Due to this detachment, you fabricate your own personal reality. You lose touch with reality to such a devastating degree that Empathy toward the environment diminishes.

Humans are in some aspects unnatural. We have become dependent on modern science and technology to support our existence. Perhaps the separation from nature occurs due to technological advancements.

As a race, Humans have outgrown nature; we are too advanced for it. But what actually happens when you separate yourself from nature?

You disengage yourself from the natural process of things. You rely on shortcuts, easy solutions, and tools. You forget about the symbiotic relationship all living things have with nature.

Because of this, you are able to devastate the environment, pollute the air you need to breathe, and contaminate the water you need to drink.

Sadly, you do not realize how absurd this error is and how simple the solution could be. You are breaking up with nature and as a result, you are unsure of the future on this Earth.

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