A thing about Life / Eine Sache über das Leben / Uma coisa sobre a Vida / Una cosa sobre la Vida

Is it possible to live in this World without problems and conflict. Is it possible in this crazy World to live a life in which every kind of problem and conflict does not exist.

The inquiry into this question requires considerable intelligence, energy and application.

So if we think together, go into this problem of whether there is an art of living in which one can live a daily life without all the turmoil, the pain of change and the anxiety involved in that change.

Think about your life, your future, your purpose at least one time in your life. Think. Life. Future. Meaning.

There are many arts: painting, engineering, communication – Yes, there are many, many arts. But did you ever ask this question of the art of living. The art of living is the greatest, most important art.

In spite of that, you have not inquired deeply in what is the art of living your daily life, which requires such subtlety, sensitivity and a great deal of freedom.

Without freedom, you can not find out what is the art of living. It is not a method or system.

It is not asking another how to find the art of living, but it requires considerable intellectual activity and deep honesty. – Very few of us are honest.

It is getting worse and worse in the World: we are not honest people. We say one thing and do another.

The word, description and explanation are not the deed or action, and that is why there is a great deal of dishonesty.

To inquire into the art of living there must be a fundamental, unshakeable, immutable honesty, an honesty that is not corruptible, which does not adjust itself to environment, demands or various forms of challenges.

It requires great integrity to find out because you are dealing with a very complex problem.

So you are exercising your brain, with your own sense of urgency and demand, to find out if there is a way of living which is totally orderly. So please, if you will, be serious.

You may not be serious for the rest of the year, or rest of the week, but at least for once in your life be earnest, be completely honest with yourself.

A thing about life is that one day you will be dead.

Your life is a long series of daily lives, which is pain, anxiety, insecurity, uncertainty, illusory devotion to some entity you have invented, having faith and belief.

You are attached to your house, to your money, to your wife, to your children. You are attached. This is your life, constant struggle, effort, comfort, pain, loneliness, sorrow. And you are afraid to let that go.

Where you are attached, there is fear, anxiety and uncertainty. Uncertainty and fear cause sorrow. Death, of course, is the final sorrow.

But if you are living with death and life together, there is no change. You are incarnating every day afresh – not you; a new thing is incarnating every day afresh.

In that, there is great beauty. That is creation. In that, there is tremendous freedom. Freedom implies Love.

The art of living and the art of dying, together, bring about great Love. Love has its own intelligence, something outside of the brain.

I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to put to rout all that was not life and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. – Henry David Thoreau

Du stehst am Strand und schmeckst den salzigen Geruch des Meeres
Im Bauch das warme Gefühl grenzenloser Freiheit
Und auf Deinen Lippen den bitteren tränendurchtränkten Kuss Deiner Geliebten

Ich war noch nie am Meer

Weisst Du denn nicht, wie das ist, wenn man in den Himmel kommt?
Im Himmel, da reden die über nichts anderes als über das Meer
Und darüber, wie wunder-wunderschön es ist
Sie reden über den Sonnenuntergang, den sie gesehen haben
Sie reden darüber wie die Sonne blutrot wurde, bevor sie ins Meer eintauchte
Und Sie reden darüber wie sie spüren konnten wie die Sonne ihre Kraft verlor
Und die Kühle vom Meer heraufzog
Und das Feuer nur noch in ihrem Inneren glühte

Und du?
Du kannst nicht mitreden
Weil Du warst ja nie da gewesen

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