Anyone can turn their life Around / Jeder kann sein Leben Verändern / Qualquer um pode mudar sua Vida / Cualquiera puede cambiar su Vida

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You experience turns in life – some good, some bad. When the bad ones come, it is up to you to do something about it.

Choose to stay stuck, or turn the ship around. It is up to you to choose.

Wherever you find yourself, if it is not where you want to be, start working for a change of direction. It is never too late.

The present is what matters. When you are busy on concentrating on what has been, or what will be, you rob yourself of the moment.

Be here with the present, because right here, right now is where the change you want begins.

Everything changes. Life rarely goes as planned, and you end up in a career that is nothing like you expected. If you can accept that, change will be happening in your life.

You can turn anything around. You do not have to continue in your failures or stir in the things that went wrong.

If you ask people about their failures and listen to what they have been through, you will realize that everyone has struggles, wrong turns, and detours.

If you can accept your derailment as a new path instead of an obstacle, you will have an easier time getting through it.

Start in small increments. If you are turning around something big, start small. Give yourself baby steps and small wins, until you start to build the great momentum.

Focus on the journey, not the destination. If all you can think about is where you are going, you will lose touch with where you are.

Every step of the way has its own wisdom and lessons and beauty, so do not miss out by getting ahead of yourself.

It is only natural to try to explain why you may have messed up or failed. Excuses might help you save your pride, but they will do absolutely nothing to advance you toward your goals.

Move on in a spirit of self-acceptance.

If you have been burned before you might be wary of risk-taking behavior, but in most situations the best thing you can do is take another chance – or even a different version of the same chance again.

You can not protect yourself from failure without also protecting yourself from your happiness.

There is a funny, strange but widespread idea that success comes without difficulty, but with rare exceptions that is far from truth.

When you learn to be okay with discomfort is the moment you turn that feeling into an action of personal growth.

We all seek to be safe, but that safety is always an illusion.

The moment you accept this is the moment you can be free to try all the things you were scared to try. The false seduction of safety is always more dangerous than the alternative.

You can surround yourself with the wrong people and keep doing the wrong things, or surround yourself with the right people and start doing the right things.

You are only as good as the people you surround yourself with.

You can not possibly know exactly how things will turn out, so if you give in to your desire to see the path ahead, you will avoid life-changing opportunities for the safer, more predictable options.

It is how you embrace uncertainty in your life that leads to great transformation of your soul.

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