When you express yourself in a way that brings out the best in you, you have already succeeded. Step by step you improve. That is what matters. It matters that you persist. Give yourself permision to screw up. And it is okay when you do. Your next action is the most important step you will have ...
Life Talks / Das Leben spricht / A vida Fala / La vida Habla
You watch people on the street and in restaurants and think that their conversations and broad smiles are evidence that they live a life much better than yours. You assume that they are happier than you, smarter than you, and worth more than you. All around you is evidence that this is true: your meager bank ...
2015-06-07 Ponta Negra, Brazil / In the (last) Moment / Im (letzten) Augenblick / No (último) Momento / En el (último) Momento
Life exists only in the moment, and in this moment it is infinite and eternal, for the present moment is infinitely small; before we can measure it, it has gone, and yet it exists forever ... ... You may believe yourself out of harmony with life and its eternal Now; but you can not be, for ...
A Critical Point In History / Ein kritischer Punkt der Geschichte / Um ponto crítico na História / Un punto crítico en la Historia
One day, if Human civilisation ever wipes itself out, aliens or one of our successors will cast an eye on our ruined planet and ask themselves what ever happened to homo sapiens. The root cause was not a specific catastrophe, conflict or devastation that eradicates us; the problem began with the architecture of the Human brain. For many ...
Wilderness Healing / Wildnisheilung / Cura na Natureza / Cura en la Naturaleza
One of the most detrimental aspects of modern Society is that you spend far too much time on your phone and digital devices. Whenever you are bored, you unconsciously reach for them. You spend a large part of your life on your computer, watching television, checking your smartphone, driving in your car, and sitting at your ...
You are wasting your Life / Du verschwendest Dein Leben / Você está desperdiçando sua Vida / Estás desperdiciando tu Vida
Video games. Reality TV. Surfing the internet. Stuffing your face with too much food. Drinking too much. And the list goes on. Take a serious look at your life. Where are you spending the majority of your time? You complain about your job, your boss, your salary, your neighbors or your spouse. You are doing nothing ...
How to stop Worrying / Wie man aufhört sich zu Sorgen / Como parar de se Preocupar / Cómo dejar de Preocuparse
Worry not only puts a strain on your mental health, but on your physical health, too. While worry itself is not bad, too much of it can lead to anxiety, which can have a lasting impact on health and happiness. The problem with worrying is that it becomes a cycle of self perpetuating negative thoughts, a ...
Cult of Materialism / Materialismus-Kult / Culto do Materialismo / Culto al Materialismo
The philosophy of Materialism is that matter is the fundamental substance in nature. All things, including mental things and Consciousness, are results of material interactions. Materialism is closely related to physicalism, the view that all that exists is ultimately physical. Philosophies contradictory to Materialism or physicalism include idealism, pluralism, dualism, and other forms of monism. Economic Materialism is the importance a person attaches ...
An honest Meditation / Eine ehrliche Meditation / Uma meditação Honesta / Una meditación Honesta
Meditation means to go beyond the limitations of the physical body and the mind. Only when you transcend the limited perspective of the body and the mind do you have a complete dimension of life within you. When you are identified as the body, your whole life is only about survival. Your whole perspective of life will be simply ...
Being part of Nature / Teil der Natur Sein / Fazendo parte da Natureza / Ser parte de la Naturaleza
You can touch it, hear it, taste it, scent it, because you are a part of it. You and nature are very alike and if you can recalibrate your internal compass to include this totality, you might open yourself to the voices, the feelings, the pain, the healing, the insights, the richness, the Love, and the ...
Being the person you want to Be / Die Person sein die Du sein Willst / Ser a pessoa que você quer Ser / Siendo la persona que quieres Ser
Your actions, not your thoughts, are what define who you are. You can plan, you can dream, you can pray, you can think. But at the end of the day, the only way to become the person you want to be is to start being that person. Action is what separate you from who you are ...
Sea turtles are Endangered / Meeresschildkröten sind Gefährdet / As tartarugas marinhas estão em Perigo / Las tortugas marinas están en Peligro
It is estimated that sea turtles have been around for at least 200,000,000 years. At some point, there were around 100 species swimming through the oceans. Nowadays, we can only track seven different species! Sea turtles are relatively defenceless to Human actions, despite what their shell would have you believe. Nearly all species of sea turtles ...
What really matters in Life / Was im Leben wirklich wichtig Ist / O que realmente importa na Vida / Lo que realmente importa en la Vida
What does it feel like to be present? To be here in the now and fully experiencing this moment. Free from any weight of the past or any anticipation of the future. Just free. Free to realize that only you can control how you feel. About anything. Free to see things for what they are and ...
Mindshift / Änderung des Bewusstseins / Cambio de Mentalidade / Cambio de Mentalidad
El cambio de mentalidad es la clave de tu existencia. El resistirse al cambio de mentalidad, creyendo que todo esta bien, que no necesitas, es lo peor para una persona que quiera evolucinar, desarrrollar sabiduria, espiritualidad, prosperar. Solo con tomar conciencia de tu vida de los errores, de reconocer tus falencias, derrotas y pecados y querer ...
Humans are capable of Greatness / Menschen sind zur Größe Fähig / Humanos são capazes de Grandeza / Humanos son capaces de la Grandeza
The Sagan Series is a collection of tribute videos dedicated to the late, great Carl Sagan, American astronomer, cosmologist, astrophysicist, author, astrobiologist, best known for his work as a science popularizer and communicator. The Sagan Series is a breath-taking cinematography and a mesmerising soundtrack lend a powerful scenery to Sagan’s narration from his hit TV series, Cosmos: ...
Playing for Change / Spiel für Wandel / Jogando para Mudança / Jugando para Cambio
Playing For Change is a movement created to inspire and connect the World through music. The idea for this project came from a common belief that music has the power to break down boundaries and overcome distances between people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddLd0QRf7Vg Playing For Change was born in 2002 as a shared vision between co-founders, Mark Johnson and Whitney Kroenke, ...
Go to Bed Hungry / Hungrig zu Bett Gehen / Para cama com Fome / A Cama com Hambre
In politics, humanitarian aid, and social science, Hunger is a condition in which a person, for a sustained period, is unable to eat sufficient food to meet basic nutritional needs. Some 795 million people in the World do not have enough food to lead a healthy active life. The 2008 financial crisis further increased the number of people ...
1989-05-21 Dunns River Falls, Ocho Rios, Jamaica / Mango Tree / Mango Baum / Mangueira / Árbol de mango
Ursula Andress became famous as Honey Ryder, a shell diver and James Bond's woman of desire in Dr. No (1962), the first Bond movie. In what became an iconic moment in cinematic and fashion history, she rose out of the Caribbean Sea at the Dunn's River Falls near Ocho Rios, Jamaica in a white bikini sporting ...
Qualities of Greatness / Qualitäten der Größe / Qualidades da Grandeza / Cualidades de Grandeza
Greatness lies in the journey, not in the result. If success is your only drive, you may achieve financial wealth, but you may not achieve greatness. Greatness is much deeper than money. Greatness is an expression of your character. You have the potential for greatness. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTyXw2MNLA8 To develop and express your greatness, you must possess the passion and ...
Awaken from this Illusion / Aus der Illusion Erwachen / Desperte dessa Ilusão / Despertar de esta Ilusión
Let’s suppose that you were able every night to dream any Dream that you wanted to dream.And you would, naturally as you began on this adventure of Dreams, you would fulfill all your wishes.You would have every kind of pleasure you could conceive. And after several nights, you would say ‘Well, that was pretty great.But now let’s ...
The Beauty of Life / Die Schönheit des Lebens / A beleza da Vida / La belleza de la Vida
We are going to die and that makes us the lucky ones. Most people are never going to die because they are never going to be born. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4T5reAZmjL0 Darwinian natural selection has put together on this planet – and I would conjecture, on rather a lot of other planets as well – something utterly extraordinary:The World of complexity ...
Change the World in a Smile / Verändere die Welt in einem Lächeln / Mude o mundo com um Sorriso / Cambia el mundo con una Sonrisa
The relationship you have with yourself will determine the relationship you have with the World. This idea is very empowering. So many people have spent precious time trying to change someone or something in their lives to no avail. This idea shows that all that you need to do in order to feel more at peace with the ...
You lie on social Media / Du lügst in den sozialen Medien / Você mente nas Redes Sociais / Mientes en las Redes Sociales
Know that social media is loaded with sins of omission, exaggeration, and outright lies. Do not base your expectations of others on it. - Being hyper positive on social media is an issue worth pondering. One positive Facebook post on your feed will elicit someone else to have two more positive posts on theirs. This creates a ...
Is Peace on Earth Possible / Ist Frieden auf Erden Möglich / A paz na terra é Possível / Es posible la paz en la Tierrav
This question sounds like a philosophical question, and for many years it has been. As a result, discussions about peace lean toward idealism or theory, and the idea that this question can be answered with modern social science has not been a part of the mainstream discussion. The history of humanity can be told as a history ...
Have you had Breakfast / Hattest du Frühstück / Você tomou Café da Manhã / Has Desayunado
There are thousands of things you take for granted each day. You have many things in life. You do not realize what you have until you lose it. You forget about the little things, the things that seem unimpressive, menial or normal. But what happens when you lose them, either temporarily or forever. That is when you start to ...