Sea turtles are Endangered / Meeresschildkröten sind Gefährdet / As tartarugas marinhas estão em Perigo / Las tortugas marinas están en Peligro

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It is estimated that sea turtles have been around for at least 200,000,000 years. At some point, there were around 100 species swimming through the oceans.

Nowadays, we can only track seven different species! Sea turtles are relatively defenceless to Human actions, despite what their shell would have you believe. Nearly all species of sea turtles are classified endangered.

  • Bycatch – every year hundreds of thousands of sea turtles are accidentally caught up in fishing nets and they often die in the process.
  • Overharvesting – there is still a huge demand for turtle egg soup and as a result, thousands of hatchlings are killed each year to fuel the trade.
  • Climate Change – sea turtles are very sensitive to even the smallest of changes in water temperature and this has affected the breeding cycle.

Marine turtle tourism brings almost three times as much money as the sale of turtle products such as meat, leather and eggs.

Developers, politicians and community leaders should start to see marine turtles as a valuable asset, generating revenue and jobs. Tourism and turtle protection may in fact increase their economic value.

At the biggest and most established site in Tortuguero National Park in Costa Rica, marine turtle tourism brought in US$6.7 million annually.

Currently some 175,000 people take sea turtle tours annually to more than 90 sites in more than 40 countries.

Sea turtles are worth more to local communities alive than dead!

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