Life is a Walking / Das Leben ist ein Spaziergang / A vida é uma Caminhada / La vida es un Caminar

I am Good Buffalo Eagle. Hear my words.The Creator gave all two-legged beings. We call this the Gift of Choice. Regardless of where we are born, all come to Earth with this gift.Along with the Gift of Choice, all Two-Legged beings have a sense of knowing right from wrong from the one Who Stands Within.Therefore, ...

Live your Dream / Lebe deinen Traum / Viva seu Sonho / Vive tu Sueño

You have wasted your time in shallow friendships, numbed yourself in trivial distractions and justified low-living for long enough. You are convincing yourself that you are not the person that can escape himself. You have disconnected with your environment and relationships. You turn around in bed every morning and live the lie you have been living. ...

Social Media creates Addiction / Social Media schafft Sucht / Mídia social cria Vício / Redes sociales crean Adicción

Social media companies are deliberately addicting you to their products for financial gain. Behind every screen on your phone, there are generally a thousand engineers that have worked to try to make it maximally addicting. Innovation keeps you looking at your phone far longer than necessary. Addiction is defined as a harmful, persistent, and compulsive dependency to a behavior ...

Human and nature in Harmony / Mensch und Natur in Harmonie / Humano e natureza em Harmonia / Humano y naturaleza en Armonía

O SER HUMANO E A NATUREZA EM HARMONIA – Ernst Gotsch is a Swiss farmer and researcher, who’s work in Latin America on models of agroforestry has led to conversion of large amounts of degraded land into productive and diverse agroforests. He has developed a new technique of rapid recovery of poor soils by imitating existing patterns ...

World Conscience / Weltgewissen / Consciência Mundial / Consciencia Mundial

Conscience is an aptitude, faculty, intuition or judgment that assists in distinguishing right from wrong. Conscience implies internal Awareness of a moral standard in the mind concerning the quality of one’s motives. As well as a Consciousness of our own actions. Conscience is accompanied in each case by an internal awareness of ‘inner light’ and / or ‘inner darkness’. World Conscience is the ...

2011-05-07 Gstaad, Switzerland / Life Artist / Der Lebenskünstler / Artista da Vida / Artista de la Vida

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Gunter Sachs was a German photographer, author, Rosenberg student, and industrialist. As a young man he became a sportsman, gained international fame as a documentary film-maker, documentary photographer, and third husband of Brigitte Bardot. A playboy in his early years, Sachs was romantically linked to the former Iranian empress Soraya Esfandiary. He married three times. His first wife, Anne-Marie Faure, died in 1958 during ...

Connect with Earth / Verbinde Dich mit der Erde / Conecte-se com a Terra / Conectarte con la Tierra

When you contemplate the planet Earth, you see that she has many virtues. The first virtue is stability. She is steadfast when faced with challenges and continues to offer perseverance, equanimity, and forbearance in the face of many human-created calamities. The second virtue is that of creativity. The Earth is an inexhaustible source of creativity. She ...

Renewal of your Mind / Erneuerung Deines Geistes / Renovação da sua Mente / Renovación de tu Mente

The key to not wasting your life with success and prosperity is, do not be conformed to this World, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind. Nonconformity to the World does not primarily mean external avoidance of worldly behaviors. That is included. But you can avoid all kinds of worldly behaviors and not be transformed. If ...

Learn from your Mistakes / Lerne aus deinen Fehlern / Aprenda com seus Erros / Aprende de tus Errores

The problem with time travel; you dream too big and think going back in time to see dinosaurs (they will eat you) or gladiators (they will kill you) or other important moments in history (they will all be racist). Life sucked back then! You would not want to go back. It is way better to go back ...

Greatness is Within / Größe ist Innerhalb / Grandeza está no Interior / Grandeza está Dentro

Hunger is a condition in which a person is unable to eat sufficient food to meet basic nutritional needs. 842 million people are undernourished (12% of the global population). Malnutrition is a cause of death for more than 3.1 million children under 5 every year. UNICEF estimates 300 million children go to bed hungry each night. 8000 children ...

The Monopoly of Power / Das Monopol der Macht / O Monopólio do Poder / El Monopolio del Poder

Monopoly (from Greek μόνος mónos (alone or single) and πωλεῖν pōleîn (to sell)) exists when a specific person or enterprise is the only supplier of a particular commodity. Power is the ability to influence or outright control the behavior of people. Power can be seen as evil or unjust, but the exercise of power is accepted as endemic ...

Mirror of our Soul / Spiegel unserer Seele / Espelho de nossa Alma / Espejo de nuestra Alma

Mirrors have been around since the first man looked into a perfectly motionless pond, seeing in it his own face staring back at him. From the polished metal discs of ancient Greece to our modern full length silver backed glass mirrors, man has had a fascination in observing his own image, seemingly having found the twin ...

The art of Meditation / Die Kunst der Meditation / A arte da Meditação / El arte de la Meditación

A person who thinks all the time has nothing to think about except thoughts. So, he loses touch with reality and lives in a world of illusions. By thoughts I mean specifically chatter in the skull ... perpetual and compulsive repetition of words ... of reckoning and calculating. I’m not saying thinking is bad. Like everything ...

A part of Nature / Ein Teil der Natur / Uma parte da Natureza / Una parte de la Naturaleza

Respect nature, rely on nature, and irrevocably love nature. Feel lucky that all five of your senses can experience nature. You are part of this genius, crazy unimaginable system that is your source of life, happiness, and stability. As you reflect upon this, conclude that you perceive yourself as part of nature. You are too focused on ...

Welcome to Earth / Willkommen auf der Erde / Bem vindo à Terra / Bienvenido a la Tierra

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Earth is home to millions of species but just one dominates it. Us. Our cleverness and our activities have modified almost every part of our planet. We are having a profound impact on it. Our cleverness and our activities are now the drivers of every global problem we face. And every one of these problems is accelerating as ...

Thoughts create Reality / Gedanken schaffen Wirklichkeit / Pensamentos criam Realidade / Pensamientos crean Realidad

Keep your thoughts positive,because your thoughts become your words.Keep your words positive,because your words become your behaviours.Keep your behaviours positive,because your behaviours become your habits.Keep your habits positive,because your habits become your values.Keep your values positive,because your values become your destiny. Everything you perceive in the physical World has its origin in the invisible, inner World ...

Winning equality Together / Gemeinsam die Gleichheit Gewinnen / Vencendo a igualdade Juntos / Venciendo la igualdad Juntos

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The fight for gender equality is one of the most dangerous sports on Earth. - It has been ingrained into Society that females must follow one path, while males follow the other. This is reinforced in our daily lives through the adverts we see, clothes we buy and the roles we assume. Achieving gender parity requires an understanding ...

This shit’s got to go / Dieser Scheiß muss Gehen / Essa merda tem que Ir / Esta mierda tiene que Ir

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Our monetary system and our economic system is incompatible with life on this planet. - Use your time to help contribute something meaningful and positive in Society, rather than serving this unethical system that feeds dangerous things like war, greed, exploitation, and elitism. Put Human need before elitist greed. Banks only hold reserves worth about 10% of the ...

Dreams of Life / Träume des Lebens / Sonhos de Vida / Sueños de la Vida

There are two kinds of people - the realists and the dreamers. The realists know where they are going. The dreamers have already been there. Dreams are to go adventure in life, filled with passion, adrenaline, emotionally challenging, fearless, completely fearless. Dreams are an inspiring picture of the future that energizes your mind, your will and your ...

Who will Google silence Next / Wen bringt Google als nächstes zum Schweigen / A quem vai Google silenciar em Seguida / A quién Google vai silenciar Después

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Tomorrow it could be your point of view that is silenced. - Google and YouTube dominate internet search with over 75% of the market. If you disappear on Google, your ability to voice your opinion disappears too. PragerU is an educational non-profit that has had over 40 of their videos restricted by YouTube. That is why they ...

The ideal place is where you Are / Der ideale Ort ist, wo Du Bist / O lugar ideal é onde você Está / El lugar ideal es donde Estas

We have been running around far too much. It's all right; we've been active, and our action has achieved a lot of good things. But the goal of action is contemplation. In other words, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, but what's it all about? Especially when people are busy because they think they're going somewhere, that they're going ...