The collapse of Wall Street in September 2008 and the continuing financial crisis very clearly signal the end of the paradigm that puts finance above real wealth created by nature and Humans, and puts profits above people and corporations above citizens. This paradigm can only be kept alive with limitless bailouts. It can only be kept ...
What we Are / Was wir Sind / O que Somos / Que somos
Enormous bang, millions of years ago, billions of years ago, which flung all the galaxies into to space. Well, let’s take that just for the sake of argument and say that was the way it happened. It’s like you took a bottle of ink and you threw it at a wall – Smash – and all ...
Talking to Trees / Mit Bäumen Sprechen / Falando com Arvores / Hablando con Arboles
Many people in today's World have great material wealth, still they remain unhappy in the depths of their souls. They know they have an abundance of things, but they feel they are missing something. Something they can not buy and that is very important, truly momentous: a reason for being. Money is crucial for survival, just as ...
We are the Evil / Wir sind das Böse / Nós somos o Mal / Somos el Mal
The endless reports of suicide bombers, murderers, pedophiles, racists, thieves and bullies is enough to make you lose all hope that Humans are capable one day of living in complete peace and harmony. Are we genetically predisposed towards evil behaviors like selfishness, violence, and cruelty. You are more than our thoughts and more than your desires, but you ...
Economy is Anti Life / Wirtschaft ist Anti-Leben / Economia é anti Vida / Economía es anti Vida
Economy and ecology derived from oikos, which is the Greek word for home or household. Ecology is the science of the household. Economy is supposed to be the management of the household. Aristotle referred to Oikonomia as the art of living and differentiated it from Chrematistics, the art of money making. Today, economy has been reduced to the ...
Scarcity creates Greed / Knappheit schafft Gier / Escassez cria Ganância / Escasez crea Avaricia
Greed is not a fundamental aspect of Human nature. Greed is a consequence of scarcity. If you and I are living in an incredible abundance, such as used to exist 200 years ago - the fish were so thick one the water that it looked like you could walk across the rivers. Under those conditions greed ...
2012-03-11 Natal, Brazil / Hold Me, Love Me / Halt Mich, Lieb Mich / Me Segure, Me Ame / Abrazame, Amame
Have you hugged your child lately? It is most important to show a hugging Love for your child ... not from a distance, not by words only, but love with a hug. Your Love gives your child the foundation of self-confidence, helps your child to view itself positively and try new things, knowing that your Love ...
Be mindful of Death / Sei dir des Todes Bewusst / Esteja atento à Morte / Se consciente de la Muerte
Change, and everything is change, nothing can be held on to. To the degree that you go with a stream, you see, you are still, you are flowing with it. But to the degree you resist the stream, then you notice that the current is rushing past you and fighting you. So swim with it, go ...
1994-03-09 Los Angeles, USA / Notes of a Dirty Old Man / Notizen eines schmutzigen alten Mannes / Anotações de um Velho Sujo / Notas de un viejo sucio
If you’re going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don’t even start. If you're going to try, go all the way. This could mean losing girlfriends, wives, relatives, jobs and maybe even your mind. It could mean not eating for three or four days. It could mean freezing on a park bench. It could ...
Selfie Obsessed / Selfie Besessen / Selfie Obcecado / Selfie Obsesionado
An increasing number of selfie-obsessed young women are seeking out cosmetic surgery under the guise of female empowerment. More people than ever before are getting plastic surgery. Many are doing so to look better in selfies. Patients are blaming their weird appearance in selfies as a reason to consult a plastic surgeon and seek minor or ...
King of the Losers / König der Verlierer / Rei dos Perdedores / Rey de los Perdedores
In every real man a child is hidden that wants to play - Friedrich Nietzsche Many people say that men never truly grow up. A boy gets to play; a man does not. Men do not grow up until they are 43 - a full 11 years after women. Men are immature at least into their ...
Nature of Reality / Natur der Wirklichkeit / Natureza da Realidade / Naturaleza de la Realidad
The deterministic Newtonian worldview has dominated psychology and economics and anthropology and political science for the last four hundred years. But this has been coming to a halt in the last fifty years. The old World is made out of objects. When you look at the World you see these objects. There they are right in ...
Higher purpose of Love / Höhere Zweck der Liebe / Maior finalidade do Amor / Mayor propósito del Amor
The real power of Love is connected to your higher purpose in the World. When you give your life to your higher purpose, real Love will naturally emanate from you. If you neglect this and go against your higher purpose, Love will degenerate into frantic desire and fear. Love’s grace and power will be lost. Many people ...
The real meaning of Life / Der wahre Sinn des Lebens / O significado real da Vida / El verdadero significado de la Vida
The real meaning of life has different definition in the eyes of different people. There is not a clear definition for it. For some, life is all about building a family and leading life as it is. For others, life is all about accumulating wealth. For some, life is all about engaging in academic circles. For others, ...
Checking out of the Game / Aus dem Spiel Aussteigen / Sair do Jogo / Salir del Juego
Now I want to make an observation here about checking out of the game. You can’t be one on your own without great difficulty. Firstly, because you’re a poor consumer. Because they aren’t owning the right sort of cars and therefore the local car salesman isn’t doing business through them. They don’t have lawns and so nobody ...
The acceleration of Time / Die Beschleunigung der Zeit / A aceleração do Tempo / La aceleración del Tiempo
This acceleration of time or complexity shows no sign of slowing down. In fact within the fabric of our own lives we can almost daily, hourly, by the minute feel it speeding up taking hold. It is a cliché that time is moving faster and faster; a cliché of the mass media. But I want to suggest that ...
A silent Conversation / Eine stille Konversation / Uma conversa Silenciosa / Una conversación Silenciosa
Your listening is only a way of waiting until it is your turn to speak. People want more than anything to be heard and understood and will find anyone who provides them that feeling being powerfully charismatic. If you can not resist thinking about what you want to say when listening, focus instead on being silent. You will be ...
This is my Paradise / Das ist mein Paradies / Esse é meu Paraíso / Este es mi Paraíso
Paradise is a metaphysical place in which existence is positive harmonious and eternal; in contrast to the miseries of normal existence, in paradise there is only peace, prosperity, and happiness. Getting there is not exactly the easiest thing, but it is worth the journey. It is a place of contentment, often described as a higher place, ...
Minimalism against Consumerism / Minimalismus gegen Konsumismus / Minimalismo contra Consumismo / Minimalismo contra Consumismo
Wanting less is a better blessing than having more. Owning less brings great benefit to your life: less stress, less debt, more time, more freedom. But wanting less brings even more. Removing yourself from the culture of consumption that surrounds us allows wonderful habits to emerge in your life: Ccontentment, gratitude, freedom from comparison, and the opportunity ...
What Matters / Was Zählt / O que Importa / Lo que Importa
My grandmother was a wonderful person. She taught me how to play the game Monopoly. She understood that the name of the game is to acquire. She would accumulate everything that she could and eventually she became the master of the board. And eventually, every time, she would take my last dollar and I would quit ...
Take Responsibility / Übernimm Verantwortung / Tomar Responsabilidade / Asume la Responsabilidad
We all must try to understand what is happening. We need to try to understand what is happening. And in my humble opinion ideology is only going to get in your way. Nobody understands what is happening. Not Buddhists, not Christians, not government scientists. No one understands what is happening. So, forget ideology. They betray. They limit. ...
Culture is a mass Hallucination / Kultur ist eine Massenhalluzination / Cultura é uma alucinação em Massa / Cultura es una alucinación Masiva
You are caged by your cultural programming. Culture is a mass hallucination, and when you step outside the mass hallucination you see it for what it is worth. So much of what we see, we judge. So much of what we see, we do not like. Racism, sexism, poverty, war, refugee crisis, ideas of privilege. But why ...
Conspiracy Theories / Verschwörungstheorien / Teorias de Conspiracion / Teorias de Conspiração
Conspiracy theories rely on the view that the universe is governed by design, and embody three principles: nothing happens by accident, nothing is as it seems, and everything is connected. Favored subjects include famous deaths, government activities, new technologies, terrorism and questions of alien life. Among the most widely recognized conspiracy theories are notions concerning the assassination ...
Silence and the Jesus Prayer / Stille und das Jesus Gebet / Silêncio e Oração de Jesus / Silencio y la Oración de Jesús
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner - When you pray, you yourself must be silent; let the prayer speak - To achieve silence: this is of all things the hardest and the most decisive in the art of prayer. Silence is not merely negative - a pause between words, a temporary cessation ...
The pain of Separation / Der Schmerz der Trennung / A dor de Separação / El dolor de la Separación
Once longing is awakened within the heart it is the most direct way home. Like the magnet it draws us deep within our own heart where we are made whole and transformed. This is why the Sufi mystics have always stressed the importance of longing. Your whole life must be one of longing. Yet our present Western ...