The real meaning of Life / Der wahre Sinn des Lebens / O significado real da Vida / El verdadero significado de la Vida

The real meaning of life has different definition in the eyes of different people. There is not a clear definition for it.

For some, life is all about building a family and leading life as it is. For others, life is all about accumulating wealth.

For some, life is all about engaging in academic circles. For others, life is all about art. For many life is all about Love. For a few, life is all about religious practices.

For philosophers like Aristotle life is about happiness: Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of Human existence.

Happiness, Love, success and freedom; all these qualities remain in this life and die together with you. What benefit do these qualities give you if you are dead and they all disappear?

You take none of those things with you. Nothing remains of that happiness, that Love, that success and freedom? What does remain is the spirit.

This earthly World is a place of spiritual training for the soul and spiritual development is the purpose and meaning of Human life.

God (Buddha) created the Great Cosmos with the objectives of progress and harmony, and these are the guidelines for the evolution of the Human soul.

God (Buddha) has created the system of reincarnation between this World and the spiritual World so that we can cultivate infinite experience and walk ever closer to God (Buddha).

Humans are spiritual beings that possess eternal life and go through countless reincarnations. The Human soul was created from God (Buddha), so a Divine nature or Buddha-nature lives in every soul.

Hence all Human beings are children of God (Buddha).

Humans are spiritual beings and the mind is your essence. You are undergoing spiritual training to sharpen your mind and return to the spiritual World with a higher state of mind and level of Awareness.

Everything is subject to the cause of law and effect so when you change oyur thoughts and your state of mind, your Human relationships, health and financial circumstances change too.

The causes of pain and suffering do not lie with others or the outside World but are actually created by yourselves.

Therefore, you need to reflect on your thoughts and deeds and correct them through your own effort.

This earthly World is a training place for your soul, because you go through experiences you would not be able to go through whilst living in the spiritual World.

Life in the spiritual World is strictly governed by the Laws of Vibration.

Only souls that share the same wavelength can reside in the same realm.

Although the heavenly World, from which you reincarnate, is a wonderful World overflowing with Love, harmony and happiness, it does not provide the soul with many opportunities for progress.

Only when a soul is placed in adverse circumstances that it can discipline itself, correct its misguided tendencies and make progress.

That is why we periodically reincarnate to the earthly World, where people, whose wavelengths do not match, can gather together and refine their souls.

Human souls draw up a life plan before being reincarnated on Earth. You decide in advance on the best environment for your own spiritual development.

The country where you will be born, your language, your family environment, financial circumstances, religion, education and occupation.

You are confronted with Human relationships and various troubles on Earth but all these things are what you have planned for yourselves.

Accordingly, when Human relationships are at the root of your suffering, it is yourself who decided to set these problems in your life plan.

Once you are aware that life is a workbook there is no longer any need to lament. Suffering is an opportunity to reflect on the mistakes of your own mind and to reform yourself.

The learning distilled from the experience of overcoming suffering becomes wisdom. Increased enlightenment is actually the purpose of life.

Knowing that life is a workbook is the first step towards enlightenment.

In this way, even in suffering, hardship and difficulties you can find the seeds of happiness.

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