Mass Surveillance System / Massenüberwachungssystem / Sistema de vigilância em Massa / Sistema de vigilancia Masiva

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You can be identified by your heartbeat and your gait. You can be identified by your fingerprints and iris patterns. And you can always be identified by your smartphone broadcast unique number called MAC addresse. And more things that identify you as well: your phone number, your credit card number, the license plates on your car. Once you are identified, the data about who ...

The desire to feel intensely Again / Der Wunsch wieder intensiv zu Fühlen / O desejo de sentir intensamente Novamente / El deseo de sentir intensamente Otra Vez

I am tired of the idea of living today as if it were my last day. What about living today as if it were my first day. I love to remember. I love to slip away from reality and go somewhere I have been and stay a while there inside my yesterdays. But instead of remembering, how ...

What comes after Capitalism / Was kommt nach dem Kapitalismus / O que vem depois do Capitalismo / Lo que viene después del Capitalismo

After years of ill health, capitalism is now in a critical condition. Growth has given way to stagnation; inequality is leading to instability; and confidence in the money economy has evaporated. Today's World has become a World defined by declining growth, oligarchic rule, a shrinking public sphere, institutional corruption and international anarchy, and no cure at ...

Crisis in your Head / Krise in deinem Kopf / Crise na sua Cabeça / Crisis en tu Cabeza

We have entered the information age. The industrial age has come to an end. In the information age, life, jobs, money, and success are much more about who you know, rather than what you know. In the information age, a single instant can change the World, while the World stands by, unable to react to that instant. In the information age, ...

To Battle / In die Schlacht / Para a Batalha / A la Batalla

Warriors love to fight for the sake of fighting. Fighting is just an impulse that some can not control. Fighting satisfies anger, hate, or resentment of an alleged victims. When you fight, you fight for something of value, and should you destroy yourself or that something of value while fighting to obtain it, then you ...

We think too much and feel too Little / Wir denken zu viel und fühlen zu wenig / Pensamos demais e sentimos muito Pouco / Pensamos demasiado y nos sentimos muy Poco

You live in a World where the visual dominates, physicality is the only definition of reality, and the suffering that plagues you most is only that of your own internal thoughts. The World has gone mad as we have all become entrapped within our heads. The tools you use for your own liberation acting against ...

A thing about Life / Eine Sache über das Leben / Uma coisa sobre a Vida / Una cosa sobre la Vida

Is it possible to live in this World without problems and conflict. Is it possible in this crazy World to live a life in which every kind of problem and conflict does not exist. The inquiry into this question requires considerable intelligence, energy and application. So if we think together, go into this problem of whether there ...

A love letter to Cinema / Ein Liebesbrief an das Kino / Uma carta de amor ao Cinema / Una carta de amor al Cine

Cinema has an undeniable power. The power to make you believe. The power to make you feel. The power to make you desire. But all of this would not be possible without beautiful, stunning, striking and memorable visuals. I remember perfectly the first time I met you. It was not the first time I saw you but it was the ...

Order from Chaos / Ordnung aus dem Chaos / Ordem do Caos / Orden del Caos

If a butterfly flaps its wings in Brazil, does it cause a tornado in Texas? Inherent to the theory is the idea that extremely small changes produce enormous effects, but ones that can only be described fully in retrospect. Accurate prediction is somewhat impossible. There are many great examples of this in nature, and climate change ...

A blessing for Anyone / Ein Segen für Jedermann / Uma bênção para Qualquer Um / Una bendición para Cualquiera

Whatever you do, take a moment, get yourself somewhere quiet, sit yourself down, and open your heart. Spend time consciously breathing. As you feel each inhale and exhale, do not just focus on the breath. Make sure to direct attention to your heart center itself, as if all of your energy were resting there. Then listen to ...

The richest World is Within / Die reichste Welt ist Innen / O mundo mais rico está Dentro / El mundo más rico está Adentro

Your richness is your ability to survive whatever is causing you stress, anxiety or grief. You are far richer than your material possessions - your richness is within you and it manifests itself in the goodness of your character – and your willingness to live life with humility, compassion and forgiveness. Once you accept that you ...

All things Fade / Alle Dinge Verschwinden / Todas as coisas Desaparecem / Todas las cosas se Desaparecem

Shit happens, people change, feelings disappear, things fade and things go wrong, memories remain but life goes on. There are people who you think will be in your life forever that become distant memories of your past. All things fade and quickly turn to myth. - Marcus Aurelius Feelings fading, and people changing is a part of ...

Life is your Creation / Das Leben ist Deine Kreation / A vida é sua Criação / La vida es tu Creación

As you awaken to the truth that you are the one who creates your World, that you are the one who creates your life, you will no doubt find that your attention will be drawn to new things. What used to satisfy and interest you will shift. This is the process of  Awakening. It is quite simply the ...

I needed Color / Ich brauchte Farbe / Eu precisava de Cor / Necesitaba Color /

Color has an impact on how you think and behave. Color directs your eye where to look, what to do, and how to interpret something. It puts content into context. It helps you decide what is important and what is not. Color affects us in countless ways, both mentally and physically. While perceptions of color are somewhat subjective, ...

A letter from the Virus / Ein Brief vom Virus / Uma carta do Vírus / Una carta del Virus

Stop. Just stop.It is no longer a request. It is a mandate.We will help you. We will bring the supersonic, high speed merry-go-round to a halt.We will stopthe planesthe trainsthe schoolsthe mallsthe meetingsthe frenetic, hurried rush of illusions and obligations that keep you from hearing our single and shared beating heart, the way we breathe together, ...

Five minutes of Serenity / Fünf Minuten Gelassenheit / Cinco minutos de Serenidade / Cinco minutos de Serenidad

With today’s hectic lifestyle and so many different responsibilities pulling us in all sorts of directions, how can one keep him or herself centered and clear minded. Meditation. Meditation is an easy practice which anyone can do at home with just a little bit of discipline, and the benefits of meditating regularly can manifest both physically ...

You have success completely Misunderstood / Du hast Erfolg völlig Missverstanden / Você tem sucesso completamente Incompreendido / Tienes éxito completamente Incomprendido

I am amazed at how many people define success as making (or having) a lot of money. It is very strange, because many of the people who think this way are agitated, stressed and, frankly, pretty miserable. I decided I would rather starve, live on the edges of nowhere, than do anything at all; than become anything ...

2012-03-21 New York, USA / Reasons to Celebrate / Gründe zum Feiern / Razões para Comemorar / Razones para Celebrar

Down syndrome occurs when an individual has an extra partial (or whole) copy of chromosome 21. It is not yet know why this syndrome occurs, but Down syndrome has always been a part of the Human condition. It exists in all regions across the globe and commonly results in variable effects on learning styles, physical characteristics and ...

The power of Negativity / Die Kraft der Negativität / O poder da Negatividade / El poder de la Negatividad

For the most part, you are so used to your negative thinking that you are not even aware when you are doing it. Consequently, you need to listen closely to the content of your thoughts, and you need to hear your words as you speak them. Negative thinking is your enemy. It dampens your enthusiasm and ...

A fleeting Life / Ein flüchtiges Leben / Uma vida Passageira / Una vida fugaz

An 80-year lifespan is 960 months or about 29,000 days long. Think of that, an entire life. If you are middle-aged and will live another 40 years that’s only 480 months or about 15,000 days. And for someone my age with a life expectancy of maybe 20 years, that’s 240 months or about 7,000 days. This is shockingly ...

The root of all Evil / Die Wurzel allen Übels / A raíz de todo o Mal / La raíz de todo Mal

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If you have ever been called self-absorbed, you can be sure you were not getting a compliment. Not only is the root definition of the term negative, but it is also saturated with unfavorable connotations. The concept is synonymous with self-preoccupied, self-centered, self-obsessed - and even egotistical and selfish. People who have the tendency to use more self-referential terms (I, me, myself) tend to have ...

Become Silent / Still Werden / Torne-se Silencioso / Volverse Silencioso

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Happiness emerges when you stop creating your own unhappiness. Unhappiness is thinking. The mind is the most brilliant tool you have. When applied strategically, it can improve your life and lead to positive social change. But when you live in a World created by the mind - constantly comparing yourselves to others, thinking about the future, ruminating ...

Growing up not growing Apart / Aufwachsen nicht Auseinanderwachsen / Crescendo não crescendo à Parte / Crecer no crecer Aparte

Best friend of mine, First, I want to say that I am so thankful for you. You have always been there in times of need. You are the fun party and adventure friend and the serious and warning dad friend all in one. There are no instructions on how to live, and we both know lives ...