Create Yourself / Erschaffe Dich Selbst / Crie você Mesmo / Créate a ti Mismo

If you can not find what you want, create it. If you can not find yourself, create yourself. Be somebody who reminds everybody of nobody. Be brilliant. Be the first. Be interesting. Be unusual. Be an expert.

Always be better than yesterday but never as good as tomorrow.

Make an impact. Leave a mark. Show your most amazing work. Make bold challenge to pursue what you really want.

You can do more than you think you can. Choose challenging. Not comfortable. Do not trust the system to take care of you.

The road to mastery requires consistency. Everything meaningful in life is a marathon. Never wish it was easier. Always wish you were better. Do not aim to be different.

Go out of your way to be unique. It takes willpower, imagination and desire. You must be willing to be a lifelong learner.

Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. – George Bernard Shaw

I do not believe in the existence of a real Self, waiting to be discovered. The idea reeks of fatalism. If there is a true Self for which you can search, then it must be static and preordained.

Finding and fulfilling this destiny then becomes the motivation to explore yourself and the World, but this motivation is external, in control of you rather than the other way around.

It suggests that you are not complete before you find this destiny and once found there is no reason to explore and change anymore as there are no alternative selves to go looking for.

So if you are not out there searching for yourself, what are you doing? You must actively evolve, one change at a time, experimenting with new experiences and ways of life, discarding the bad and incorporating the good.

There is no end goal at which point you can stop evolving.

As you grow older, you can shed the aspects of your life that no longer fit as a snake sheds an outgrown skin.

Your motivation does not come from a preordained destiny but from a desire within to live many different lives and experience all that this World has to offer.

It is up to you to direct and shape your own life in any way you desire.

You are not meant to do anything and thereby you are free to do any-and-everything. And thus, step-by-step, You are creating yourself.

There is no Self to be discovered, only experiences to be had and lives to be lived. Life is a journey absent destination.

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