Finding Enlightenment / Erleuchtung Finden / Encontrando Iluminação / Encontrando Iluminación

There is no barrier to prevent any individual from expanding into enlightenment. If you really want to go, nothing can stop you. To become enlightened, know that there are no special virtues to acquire.

Simply remain conscious. The practice of prolonging your conscious state may not give you the power to control the material World. It will give you the power to be absolutely free from the material World.

Being enlightened is not a special state of mind; it is the freedom of the mind and he freedom of the heart from all clinging which gives rise to an Awareness of all Human experience without a notion of identity separate from the World around you.

Though this may seem difficult, it is possible through practice and training of the mind. Let go and let it happen.

Achievements are difficult, but possible. Enlightenment may seem difficult in the light of reason, but it is possible. Human intelligence is of little use when you simply become cosmic Consciousness.

This happens little by little and there are as many ways to gauge your progress as there are entities on that path.

Many people feel that they must suffer in order to gain liberation. This does not have to be the case. You belong in the universe, the universe does not care if we suffer or not.

You are your own key to absolute freedom. And there are as many paths to enlightenment as there are Human beings in the universe.

When you become conscious you expand, when you turn away from being conscious you contract.

Beyond this, reality will always prove to you that you cannot move against its own self governing laws.

You are free to choose the kind of ‘Reality’ you wish to know, you cannot break the rules. Every entity in creation has the same freedom of choice.

The more you fear, the more there will be to fear especially fear of fear or pain. Originally fear is an appropriate warning of possible harm.

It is only necessary to notice the problem to be solved and drop the fear.

This is one fundamental mode of ‘Expansion’ and ‘Contraction’; as you explore your life, you will find many others.

To find enlightenment you need only accept the daily rhythms of ‘Expansion’ and ‘Contraction’.

Consciousness is real, as real as we are. We all come from the same place, we are all going back to the same place.

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