It is Usefulness not Happiness / Es ist Nützlichkeit, nicht Glück / É Utilidade Não Felicidade / Es la utilidad no la Felicidad

You believe that there is only purpose of life: And that is to be happy. Why else go through all the pain and hardship.

It is to achieve happiness in some way. Most people are pursuing happiness in their lives.

That is why we collectively buy shit we do not need, go to bed with people we do not love, and try to work hard to get approval of people we do not like.

We are who we are. You do everything to chase happiness. You buy something, and you think that makes you happy. You hook up with people, and think that makes you happy.

You get a well-paying job you do not like, and think that makes you happy. You go on holiday, and you think that makes you happy.

But at the end of the day, you are lying in your bed (alone or next to your spouse), and you think: ‘What is next in this endless pursuit of happiness?’

You continue chasing something random that you believe makes you happy. It is all a façade. A hoax. A story that has been made up.

Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.

You think that happiness is the main goal. But here is the thing: How do you achieve happiness? Happiness can not be a goal in itself. Therefore, it is not something that is achievable.

Happiness is merely a byproduct of usefulness. Most things you do in life are just activities and experiences.

You go on holiday. You go to work. You go shopping. You have drinks. You have dinner. You buy a car.

Those things should make you happy, but they are not useful. You are not creating anything. You are just consuming or doing something. And that is great but it is not what gives meaning to life.

What really makes you happy is when you are useful. When you create something that others can use. Or even when you create something you can use.

The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate.

Being useful is a mindset. And like with any mindset, it starts with a decision. Do not take it too seriously. Do not overthink it. Just ‘Do’ something that is useful. Anything.

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