Mister Lonely / Herr Einsam / Senhor Solitário / Señor Solitario

A lone wolf is a person that generally lives or spends time alone instead of with a group, who prefers solitude, expresses introversion and works alone. The term originates from wolf behavior.

Wolves that have left or been excluded from their pack are described as lone wolves.

As such, these lone wolves may be stronger, more aggressive and far more dangerous than the average wolf that is a member of a pack.  

Introverted people are those who get their energy by being alone and get bored when in the midst of a crowd. This is one reason a lone wolf seeks solitude.

Getting away from the crowd is this person’s way to recharge.

Not that a lone wolf is anti-social, he or she just does not need much of an affiliation. A person who is considered a lone wolf is one who is creative.  

Celebrities can be seen enjoying their performances and the limelight but when all the activities are over, they prefer to be alone in their rooms, away from the noise and distractions.

And prefer to live in a small apartment than a mansion. This is a choice and not a circumstance.

I am Mr. Lonely
That’s the way they call me
My bedroom is the coldest place I know
I’m a weirdoI still don’t get this World
It all seems like a bad joke
Everything looks so empty
And still plenty (almost the whole time)One less day, one more night
(I am all the things)
Give me my smoke and let me have my insight
(to see what I could have been)
There’s only winter after this line
(but my stomach still burns)
I chose to go, I chose to be alone
(where I can’t see the sun)

I’m gonna drive my car under the rain
I will ride so fast until I lose my faith
I want to believe in everything they say
But I think there has never been a place
For people like us

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