Love is not about You / Liebe geht nicht um Dich / O amor não é sobre Você / El amor no es sobre Ti

Life is a series of ever-changing moments of trials and joys, and sometimes Love is grand, and sometimes it is not. Sometimes it is not fun, but that does not make it any less important. In fact, during the most difficult, and trying of times, to love, and to continue to love, is actually the most ...

Be a real Man / Sei ein echter Mann / Seja um homem de Verdade / Ser un verdadero Hombre

A real man knows what he wants in a partner, and once he has found that special someone, he commits himself and his whole life. Your happiness becomes his happiness. He stays loyal to you because he understands that one true Love is enough for a lifetime. A real man is able to make decisions based ...

The Scent of Nothingness / Der Duft des Nichts / O cheiro do Nada / El aroma de la nada

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Nothingness is the fragrance of the beyond. It is the opening of the heart to the transcendental. It is the unfoldment of the one thousand petalled lotus. It is man's destiny. Man is complete only when he has come to this fragrance, when he has come to this absolute nothingness inside his being. When this nothingness has spread ...

Just like a white cloud Disappearing / Wie eine weisse Wolke die Verschwindet / Assim como uma nuvem branca Desaparecendo / Al igual que una nube blanca Desaparciendo

Just before Buddha died somebody asked him: 'When a buddha dies where does he go? Does he survive or simply disappear into nothingness?' Buddha has been reported to have said: 'Just like a white cloud disappearing ...' A white cloud is a mystery, the coming, the going, the very being of it. A white cloud exists without any ...

Star Stuff / Sternestaub / Poeira das Estrelas / Polvo de las Estrellas

The Human body is created from elements which are created from quantum particles, which are fused into elements in stars. This is true without exception. All proteins, cells, etc. are composed of elements. Elements are made in stars. Chemistry, biology, and physics confirm we are made of star stuff. We are star stuff. If everything is star ...

Science is Interesting / Wissenschaft ist Interessant / Ciência é Interessante / Ciencia es Interesante

From classical antiquity through the 19th century, science as a type of knowledge was more closely linked to philosophy than it is now. In fact, in the West the term natural philosophy encompassed fields of study that are today associated with science such as physics, astronomy, medicine, among many others. As a slow process over centuries, the word science ...

Science and nature’s Imagination / Wissenschaft und die Vorstellungskraft der Natur / Ciençias e a imaginação da Natureza / Ciencias y la imaginación de la Naturaleza

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The most fascinating thing about science is the ideas, is the lifting of the Human spirit. - We can justify what we do by the technological spinoffs, and it's true General Relativity is esoteric, but you couldn't use your GPS machine without it. Turns out the effects of General Relativity into satellites have to be incorporated, if not, within ...

World Environment Day / Weltumwelttag / Dia Mundial do Ambiente / Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente

It is not a public holiday, it is an environmental Awareness day. The aim is to raise Awareness of the environment and specific environmental issues. 143 countries take part in World Environment Day, and the day focuses on environmental concerns ranging from pollution to global warming and sustainable food production to protection of wildlife. Without Awareness of ...

Mother Earth is crying out for Mercy / Mutter Erde schreit nach Barmherzigkeit / Mãe Terra esta clamando por Misericórdia / Madre Tierra clama por Misericordia

You can not get through a single day without having an impact on the World around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make. I am praying to the great spiritual power that I feel so strongly in the wild places, to give me ...

Ayahuasca unleashes a limitless Mindset / Ayahuasca entfesselt eine grenzenlose Denkweise / Ayahuasca desencadeia uma mentalidade Ilimitada / Ayahuasca desata una mentalid sin Limites

Within the jungle of the Amazon grows a vine that has caught the attention of medical researchers, shamans, and spirituality-seeking tourists for centuries. Now this spirit vine has executives flying from around the World to experience its empowering medicine, to dig deep within one’s Self to unleash dormant creative potential. When they enter the Amazon to better ...

Not making sense to own Much / Es macht keinen Sinn viel zu Besitzen / Não fez sentido possuir Muito / No tiene sentido poseer Mucho

I do not own anything. I do not own a car. I do not own a house. I do not own any appliances or any clothes. Everything you considered a product, has now become a service. We have access to transportation, accommodation, food and all the things we need in our daily lives. One by one all ...

Love of money is the root of all Evil / Geldliebe ist die Wurzel allen Übels / Amor ao dinheiro é a raiz de todos os Males / Amor al dinero es la raiz de todos los Males

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Big business is evil, and greed is at the heart of our economic problems. Greed has no morals or ethics. Greed has no regard for others. Greed feeds only the greedy and feeds on everything and everyone within grasping distance. Greed is one of the seven deadly sins, along with lust, pride, gluttony, sloth, envy, and wrath. Among ...

Longing for wealth, status and Power / Sehnsucht nach Reichtum, Status und Macht / Anseio por riqueza, status e poder / Anhelo de riqueza, estatus y Poder

Greed is an inordinate or insatiable longing, especially for wealth, status, power, or food. It is typically used to criticize those who seek excessive material wealth. Although it may apply to the need to feel more excessively moral, social, or otherwise better than someone else. The purpose for Greed, and any actions associated with it, is possibly to deprive ...

The three Poisons / Die drei Gifte / Os três Venenos / Los tres Venenos

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Greed, hatred, and delusion are known as the three poisons, the three unwholesome roots, and the three fires. Greed refers to your selfishness, misplaced desire, attachment, and grasping for happiness and satisfaction outside of yourself. Hatred refers to your anger, aversion and repulsion toward unpleasant people, circumstances, and even toward your own uncomfortable feelings. Delusion refers to your ...

Freedom is Mine / Freiheit gehört Mir / A liberdade é Minha / La libertad es Mia

Mind wandering, independent thought, spontaneous thinking, free associating, creative imagining are some of the terms to describe what occurs to your mind when you notice its functioning, or when you allow it the freedom to be in its natural condition: open, aware and spontaneously fluid. Freedom of mind is being increasingly declared as undesirable. Seduced by a ...

Change the World for the Better / Verändere die Welt zum Besseren / Mude o mundo para Melhor / Cambiar el mundo para Mejor

You do not have to take on everything at once, in fact, it is better if you do not. Start small and just take the first step. Small actions can build on each other but you need to take that first step. Big goals can be daunting, but focusing only the next action allows you to make ...

Tragedies of ordinary Life / Tragödien des gewöhnlichen Lebens / Tragédias da vida Ordinaria / Tragedias de la vida Ordinaria

The secret of living an extraordinary life is to take control of your mind, since this alone will determine whether you live in a suffering state or a beautiful state. In the end, it is all about the power of decisions. Your life is shaped not by your conditions, but by your decisions. Commit to being happy, ...

Understand the experience of a Child / Verstehe die Erfahrung eines Kindes / Entenda a experiência de uma Criança / Entiende la experiencia de un Niño

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Now, once we start to examine people's lives of course we have to look at the larger picture. Because no baby is born independently or could survive independently. Children are born into a culture, they are born into a Society, they are born into an economic situation, they are born into a whole set of circumstances, which they didn't choose and over which ...

World of Imagination / Welt der Phantasie / Mundo da Imaginação / Mundo de la Imaginación

As an adult you have been forced into a World of responsibility and practicality where money, bills, and jobs (many of which we hate) dictate how you live, breathe, and experience the World. Dreaming of what can be allows you to use your imagination again, reminding you what it feels like to be passionate about something. Somewhere ...

Dreamcatcher / Traumfänger / Caçadores de Sonhos / Atrapasueños

You have dreams and feel resistance from Society, from your family, from your friends that you can not chase them, at least not the encouragement you hope for. You should, and can, chase your dreams. You should build them, love them and nurture them. Dream big and go for it. You have the ability to dream, but ...

Wisdom of the Youth / Weisheit der Jugend / Sabedoria da Juventude / Sabiduría de la Juventud

All energies of life have in them a possibility of an excess, of going too far. When you bring up your children, when you tell your children your various far-out ideas and the children suddenly believe in them. 'I'm horrified! Oh, my god, what will they do next?' But everybody feels that way in regard to the ...

Children need connection and Love / Kinder brauchen Verbindung und Liebe / Crianças precisam de conexão e Amor / Niños necessitan conexíon y Amor

Difference in opinions, personalities, beliefs or values; change in family circumstances like a new baby, separation or divorce; financial problems; alcohol or drug use; mental health problems; bullying or harassment. Family are the most important people to you so any of these relationship problems can be distressing to you and lead to negative emotions like ...

Stay a child and be Curious / Bleib ein Kind und sei Neugierig / Continue criança e seja Curioso / Siegue siendo un niño y sé Curioso

If there were something that truly moves you, it would be curiosity and the desire to know new things, Worlds, and experience. Curiosity is born with you and it stays throughout your entire life: the moment that you feel that there is nothing that motivates you to keep learning, you have a problem. Old age starts where ...

Child with Down Syndrome / Kind mit Down Syndrom / Criança com síndromo Down / Niño com sindrome Down

One of the most challenging things about being the parent to a child with Down syndrome is the never-ending quest to change the World into a more accessible and nonjudgmental place. Through everyday situations, it often hits home just how far we as a Society still need to go. The reality today is that prevailing negative attitudes, ...