Understand the experience of a Child / Verstehe die Erfahrung eines Kindes / Entenda a experiência de uma Criança / Entiende la experiencia de un Niño

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Now, once we start to examine people’s lives of course we have to look at the larger picture. Because no baby is born independently or could survive independently.

Children are born into a culture, they are born into a Society, they are born into an economic situation, they are born into a whole set of circumstances, which they didn’t choose and over which they have no control.

So, therefore if we want to understand the experience of that child we have to look at the Society into which they born and the history of that Society and the current practices and mores and policies of that Society.

In short we can’t understand anything in isolation, we have to look at the connections. That is not a new idea.

The teacher, the Buddha 2500 years ago, talked about the interconnected nature of phenomenon. And this is what he said:

Cotemplate the nature of interconnected arising, which is that everything is caused by everything else during every moment.

When you look at a leaf or a raindrop meditate on all the conditions near and distant that have contributed to the presence of that leaf or raindrop. Know that the World is evolved in interconnected strengths.

This is because that is, this is not, because that is not, this is born, because that is born, this dies because that dies.

The birth and death of any phenomenon are connected to the birth and death of all other phenomenon.

The one contains the many and the many contains the one, without the one there cannot be the many without the many there cannot be the one.

So when you look at that, it is a bit surprising to find out maybe that in this Notre Dame study, when they looked at the optimal environment for parenting, you know what they found?

The optimal environment for parenting is the hunter gatherer tribe. Which is to say, the Society that native people here had before the coming other white … the caucasians.

In other words they had the culture that was best designed to support healthy child development.Because the native didn’t beat their kids.

Into the pureness of course is supposed to bit your kids. If you spare the raw you spoil the child, this is the ethic. So the idea of a culture that didn’t bit their kids, they didn’t understand that one.

So, on the other native people carried their kids everywhere they went. So the kids were never put down, they would have never left alone, they were not isolated in kinder-gardens,

They were not left to cry if they are upset, they were picked up right away. In other words the parented with absolute intuitive instinctual nurturing parenting practices.

The essential condition for the proper development of brain circuits, brain circuits that govern our behavior and our emotional life, so brain circuits that govern our capacity to regulate our impulses, so we are not acting out all the time.

Brain circuits that regulate our capacity to balance our-self emotionally, so we don’t get to upset when something happens so we can handle it.

Brain circuits that handle our capacity to respond to stress and other important to pay attention.

All these important brain circuits need the right environment and the essential condition is a non stressed supportive parenting environment. 

Now if we look at Society as a whole you see all these kids were diagnosed with oppositionality, conduct disorders, ADHD, Turrets, Aspberger, autism, all that.

They all have stuff in common. What they have in common is: pure impulse-control, pure emotional self regulation, so when they get upset they should …,

they can not stop themselves, pure social accuse, they can not be socially accused very well, in other words all the things that FASD kids don’ have either.

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