People are the key to a Place / Menschen sind der Schlüssel zu einem Ort / Pessoas são a chave para um Lugar / Personas son la clave de un Lugar

You have seen rolling desert dunes, beautiful mountains castles, stunning canyons with clear rivers and spent time at some of the World’s most amazing architecture but it is the local people that stay with you the most; in your memory and in your heart.

It is the images you have captured of deep meaningful faces, the smiles that tell a thousand stories, and the colourful dress which gives insight into the culture. People are the key to a place, they are the stories of a land, the soul of a country.

The best way to meet people is not by buying a big zoom lens and watching discreetly from afar. You will get a shot of their face but you are not going to get any engagement. The most striking thing is when you have engagement.

Whether that is a deep and intense look in their eyes or a light-hearted smile. You want to feel that you are with the person, engaging with them and experiencing a moment of their time.

Sometimes the interaction might just be for a minute or two, other times, it could be longer.

If you spend time getting to know someone, they are going to become open, a lot warmer and more natural. It gives you a wonderful interaction with a local person and a picture you will never forget.

Meet people during festivals and celebrations. People are looking their best, they are relaxed and are having lots of fun. Respect the local culture, it is important for so many reasons.

Approaching people in a way that is respectful to their culture is going to make it much easier for them to respect you equally. Politeness in general will go a long way wherever you are in the World.

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