Are you awake Now / Bist du jetzt Wach / Você está acordado Agora / Estas despierto Ahora

You go through life with so many false notions – of the World, of spirituality and of yourself. You build up masks and you believe the facades. It is all a charade. It is all based upon illusions and deceit. You deceive yourself at every moment, and the World also deceives you at every moment. You ...

More important than Happiness / Wichtiger als Glück / Mais importante que a Felicidade / Mas importante que la Felicidad

The stereotype of world travelers is the upper-middle-class kid who goes to some random, third-world country, sees a bunch of poor, half-naked kids joyfully playing in sewage puddles with toys made out of string and broken sticks. And suddenly has the life-changing epiphany that, 'No', you do not in fact need an XBox 360 and 24-hour ...

Success is not Happiness / Erfolg ist kein Glück / Sucesso não é Felicidade / Exito no es Felicidad

You may confuse happiness with accomplishments. When you achieve something new, when there is a new accomplishment to add to your success list, you probably feel happy. Only for a while. You tend to forget every one of your accomplishments very quickly and every failure sticks with you much longer.  Your brain prefers to remember all your failures rather than ...

Grow in wisdom and Compassion / Wachse in Weisheit und Mitgefühl / Cresça em sabedoria e Compaixão / Crecer en sabiduría y Compasión

The accumulation of material wealth and large bank accounts mean nothing at the moment of death. In actuality, the entirety of life is a preparation for dying. Living totally in the present moment allows you to create a fulfilled life and to face your impending death openly and with dignity. The realization that death can arrive ...

Hate is a Desease / Hass ist eine Krankheit / O ódio é uma Doença / El odio es una Enfermedad

Hate is a disease you catch from others who are already infected. It is contagious, virulent, and can be fatal. As with most diseases, the earlier it is discovered the better the prognosis for recovery. The patient must take active steps to remove the infection through diligent efforts and repeated application of antidotes as well as avoid ...

Desiring not to Desire / Wunsch, nicht zu Wünschen / Desejando não Desejar / Deseando no Desear

If the cause of suffering is unfulfilled desire, the solution to the problem must be to stop desiring. There are two ways of stopping desire: one either gets out of sight of the objects of desire (seclusion) or one tries to beat desire (asceticism). However, neither of these two approaches really work as the Buddha found out ...

Environmental Consumerism / Umweltkonsum / Consumismo Ambiental / Consumismo Ambiental

You know that you should purchase environment-friendly products and choose environment-friendly packaging when you go shopping. However, agreeing that this is a good idea does not necessarily mean that you do it. You base your consumer choices on the prices or packaging of products, unaware or unmindful of their environmental impact. If you want to change ...

Are animals Conscious / Sind Tiere Bewusst / Animais são Conscientes / Son conscientes los Animales

Animals seems to have emotions, intentions, plans, and personalities, all things we Humans associate with Conscious­ness. Animals do not think in words. This means that cats and dogs and horses do not possess anything quite like Human intelligence or reflective self-conscious­ness, which is dominated by language. Animal Awareness, whatever it is like, must be more immediate and reactive. Humans ...

Decline of Animal Species / Rückgang von Tierarten / Diminuição de espécies Animais / Disminución de especies Animales

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Nature is essential for our well-being, as it provides food, clean air, and clean water. We talk about sustainability, national issues and so on, but the fact of the matter is that Humans are the biggest factor and danger for animals. In the past 50 years, population has gone from 3.3 billion, to 7.4 billion. In ...

A plentiful Feast / Ein reichhaltiges Fest / Uma festa abundante / Una fiesta abundante

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Historically, the oceans were considered limitless and thought to harbour enough fish to feed an ever-increasing human population. 3 billion people in the World rely on both wild-caught and farmed seafood as their primary source of protein. 10% of the World's population, the very poor often rely on fishing as a primary source of income. We are ...

The plants Return / Die Pflanzen kehren Zurück / As plantas Retornam / Las plantas Vuelven

The presence of plants help keep people calmer and make them feel good. People who feel at home with plants in their working environment are less likely to be ill and therefore take less time off work. They manage stress more effectively and their productivity is better. The ability of living plants to filter the air in ...

Nature is a Teacher / Die Natur ist ein Lehrer / A natureza é um Professor / La naturaleza es un Profesor

Nature teaches. Pay Attention. Observe. Reflect. Learn. Honor Nature. - Nature teaches you through direct observation, through scientific research, through spiritual practice, through mystical experience. Nature teaches you about the circle of life. Nature teachs you about birth and beginnings, about growth and development, about death and endings, about rebirth and renewal. Nature teaches you about ...

Earth – The Unseen / Erde – Das Ungesehene / Terra – O Invisível / Tierra – Lo Invisible

For generations, Humans have been degrading the environment in pursuit of personal and financial gains. In some cases, they do not know the effects of their actions. But often times, they simply do not want the consequences of their actions on the environment known to the public. Humans justify these actions of dominance and superiority over the ...

Seven worlds, one Planet / Sieben Welten, ein Planet / Sete mundos, um Planeta / Siete mundos, un Planeta

The combination of environmental change and diversity loss increases the risk of abrupt and potentially irreversible ecosystem collapse. The time has come to stop talking in terms of distinct crises, be it climate or biodiversity, we need tackle them all as one, with total system change ... ... transformative change, including changing global economic, financial and social ...

2014-07-13 Belo Horizonte, Brazil / The World is watching Football / Die Welt schaut Fussball / O Mundo está assistindo Futebol / El Mundo está viendo Fútbol

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The 2014 Men’s World Cup saw Brazil host the tournament for only the second time, following the huge disappointment of 1950. Infamously Brazil suffered an unlikely defeat to Uruguay in the decisive match of the final round when they only needed to draw the game to win the trophy in the Maracanã. This was the chance to ...

You can not listen if you Talk / Du kannst nicht zuhören, wenn Du sprichst / Você não pode ouvir se você Fala / No puedes escuchar si Hablas

Only 10% listen effectively. You are so distracted by the cacophony of dings and tweets from smartphones, not to mention your ever-growing to-do lists, that you struggle to focus and listen when people talk to you. And if you are not distracted by technology, your own thoughts keep you from listening to another person. You often think that you are ...

Soul of Void / Seele der Leere / Alma do Vazio / Alma del Vacío

The soul that has passed through dozens of outer Worlds, appeared on Gaia to share knowledge accumulated over thousands of Earth years using sound and vibration - the original eternal languages given to man. At first I listened carefully but time passed and I began to get used to the quiet. But it was not quiet, ...

What the Self Is / Was das Selbst Ist / O que é o Eu / Lo que es el Yo

Philosophers, psychologists, and ordinary people are all interested in one question: Who are you? The traditional philosophical answer is that the Self is an immortal soul that transcends the physical being. Some philosophers have swung in the other direction and rejected the idea and for them the Self is nothing more than a bundle of perceptions. The ...